

import InputGroup from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/InputGroup";
import InputField from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/InputField";
import Select from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Select";
<InputField />
<Select />


childrenReact.NodeThe content of the InputGroup, normally InputField or Select.
dataTeststringOptional prop for testing purposes.
idstringSet id for InputGroup
errorReact.NodeThe error to display beneath the InputGroup. See Functional specs
disabledbooleanWhether to disable all nested fields.
flexstring or Array<string>"0 1 auto"The flex attribute(s) for children of the InputGroup. See Functional specs
labelTranslationThe label for the InputGroup. See Functional specs
onChangeevent => void \| PromiseFunction for handling onClick event. See Functional specs
onFocusevent => void \| PromiseFunction for handling onFocus event. See Functional specs
onBlurevent => void \| PromiseFunction for handling onBlur event between different InputGroup children. See Functional specs
onBlurGroupevent => void \| PromiseFunction for handling onBlur event for the whole InputGroup. See Functional specs
sizeenum"normal"The size of the InputField. See Functional specs
spaceAfterenumAdditional margin-bottom after component. See this docs
helpClosablebooleantrueWhether to display help as a closable tooltip, or have it open only while the field is focused, same as error.



Functional specs